For AISA Members,
In February we will have a special workshop across 4 branches that will be connected by video link to learn about the new Notification of Serious Data Breaches. After this workshop, we will send out a survey to all our members to get their input on this important issue. The introduction of data breach notification requirements would significantly strengthen Australian privacy laws, and would bring Australia in line with a range of other jurisdictions that have already implemented, or are in the process of implementing data breach notification laws such as the EU and most US states. However it also creates uncertainties and ambiguity that could have the avers affect. This workshop and survey is another great opportunity for our members to voice their opinion and provide industry insights to the Attorney Generals’ department. The survey will be in your inbox on the morning of 17-Feb, we will publish the results on the AISA website on the 4-March, the date we will submit the report to the AG.
AISA Focus Groups
The Focus Groups that AISA created several years back have been resurrected and we have planned the first session in February. Those that are subscribed to the Risk Management and ISMS Focus Group will get their invite over the coming days. The AISA Focus Groups have been created to provide an opportunity for professionals of various industries to share ideas, initiatives and experiences within the subject of that Focus Group. We currently have the following Focus Groups:
- Risk Management and ISMS Focus Group
- Information Security Awareness Focus Group
- Information Security Architecture Focus Group
- Digital Forensics Focus Group
Focus Groups can reveal a wealth of detailed information and deep insight for those participating. When well executed, a Focus Group creates an accepting environment that puts participants at ease allowing them to thoughtfully discuss various subjects in their own words and add value to the overall learning experience. A small group of active volunteers have been working hard in the background to resurrect this significant initiative and I have great faith in the team that they will make the Focus Group another strong pillar of the AISA community. I would like to thank Romain Rallu, William Shipway, Denny Wan, Joe Dalessandro, Tom Cleary, Chris Joscelyne and Duncan Alderson for picking this up!
Arno Brok, Chief Executive Officer