The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today released the National Strategy for Cloud Computing, which outlines the government’s vision for using the cloud to boost innovation and productivity across Australia’s digital economy.
“Cloud computing is fundamentally changing the way we think about technology — it allows software and data storage to be delivered online and be consumed as services, on demand, across your computer, tablet and smart phone,” Senator Conroy said.
The government’s National Strategy for Cloud Computing, released at the CeBIT Conference in Sydney, will ensure that governments, businesses, organisations and consumers have the tools and information they need to adopt cloud services.
The Strategy will:
- Open up the Australian Government’s annual $5 billion a year spend on ICT to cloud computing by requiring federal government agencies to consider cloud services for new information technology purchases.
- Promote the benefits of cloud computing to small businesses, not-for-profit organisations and local government.
- Support a vibrant cloud services sector through competition, a highly capable technology workforce, and regulatory settings that promote growth and foster innovation.
“Cloud computing gives us the anywhere, anytime technology that will help Australia to foster innovation and boost productivity.
“Labor’s National Broadband Network will revolutionise access to the cloud. The NBN’s fast download, and most importantly, upload capacity mean Australians can use applications in the cloud quickly and reliably.
“Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull are planning to borrow $29.5 billion dollars for a broadband plan that doesn’t even provide a guaranteed upload speed and won’t support Australia’s current and future broadband needs.
“Without Labor’s NBN, cloud computing cannot reach its full potential in Australia, which would leave us behind the rest of the world.”
The National Cloud Computing Strategy is available at: www.dbcde.gov.au/cloud
Information about the National Standing Committee on Cloud Computing is available at: www.globalaccesspartners.org/joint-ventures/nsccc