Data Republic launches open data marketplace


datarepublic_logoData Republic has announced the launch of the Open Data Marketplace, a world-first governed marketplace for organisations to list, exchange and collaborate on data exchange projects in a secure environment to boost social and commercial productivity outcomes.

The Open Data Marketplace, housed on Data Republic’s technology, is a central governance platform and secure marketplace for Data Republic’s Contributors and Users to discover, request and effectively govern data exchange projects with authorized parties.

The marketplace features a rich library of exclusive proprietary data from major service providers and brands, as well as open government datasets. Data can be discovered and accessed via ‘Data Listings’ which provide summaries of dataset attributes as well the permitted use or application of the datasets listed on the platform.

Paul McCarney, co-founder and CEO of Data Republic, said the Open Data Marketplace would help solve the challenges organisations face when trying to negotiate access to proprietary data.

“The lure of significant productivity and social benefits has driven an increase in government open data policies and data sharing among corporates. This trend does not come without risk. The Open Data Marketplace redefines the way data is exchanged by removing the existing risks associated with commercialising and exchanging data by putting privacy, security and the rights of the consumer first.

“The technology that powers the Open Data Marketplace is best practice and is governed by robust structural, technical and legal frameworks,” McCarney said.

Data Republic’s technology provides organisations with complete oversight and control around who can access its data as well governing the permitted application or use of the data once exchanged.

This means that organisations can confidently exchange and analyse data in a secure and privacy compliant environment, fuelling data-driven innovation and productivity in sectors where valuable data has traditionally been locked away in siloes or not analysed at all.

“Importantly, our technology was built with consumer advocacy in mind and is also governed by consumer privacy law. Only anonymous de-identified data is available on the marketplace, with personal information encrypted and separated from Data Listings and stored in Databank, a bank-grade security service we developed with Westpac,” he continued.

With Westpac and Qantas Loyalty confirmed as contributing anonymous, segment-level insights data on the Open Data Marketplace, McCarney again emphasised that fostering the underlying industry of data exchange would unlock value in the Australian economy.

“There are significant productivity and social benefits that are already being unlocked as the open data trend continues however in order to remove risks and respect the expectations of consumers, the market needs to adopt best practice and be sensitive to regulations around data exchange. In doing so, organisations can improve decision-making, solve business challenges and develop customer-led innovation.

“Whether its personalizing rewards for loyal customers, informing urban planning with up-to-date data, identifying fraudulent activity to lower premiums or just ensuring that a local retailer has enough umbrellas on a rainy day – the applications of secure, privacy compliant data exchanges are endless.

The data exists. With Data Republic’s technology, organisations and governments now have the secure infrastructure to leverage it without risking the privacy of consumers or the security of the data.”

The Open Data Exchange is currently available in Australia and will soon be launched in the United States.

How the Open Data Exchange works:

  1. To access the full library of Data Listings on the Open Data Exchange, Users must become authorised by agreeing to Data Republic’s Terms of Service
  2. Once authorised, users can discover, request and access exclusive proprietary or open government data. Data Republic’s technology makes it easy for Users and Data Contributors to review, approve and manage data requests.
  3. Once a request for data has been approved, Data Republic’s technology will open up a Data Science Workspace where users can analyse data and build authorised Data Products within a secure environment. Approval of the final Data Product must be approved before it can be exported out of the system.

Founded in 2014, Data Republic provides the secure technology and world-first legal framework for organizations to securely access and exchange data in way which manages organizational risk and puts consumer expectations first. Exchanges are conducted on The Open Data Marketplace, a central governance platform and secure marketplace for Data Republic’s Contributors and users to discover, request and effectively govern data exchange projects with authorized parties. No customer personal information (PII) is available on the platform and all exchanges are strictly governed on legal and ethical bases and subject to Data Republic’s Legal Participation Agreement.
Find out more about Data Republic here:


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