The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has released its first ever unclassified cyber security threat report. New ACSC Co-ordinator, Clive Lines said that the Australian Cyber Security Centre Threat Report 2015 clearly demonstrates that the cyber threat to Australian organisations is undeniable, unrelenting and continues to grow. “The report provides an overarching view of cyber adversaries, what they want, and how they go about getting it from an ACSC perspective.” “We envisage the report will be a useful resource for organisations to start an informed conversation about protecting their vital information.” “If every Australian organisation read this report and acted to improve their security posture, we would see a far more informed and secure Australian internet presence,” he said. All ACSC partner agencies provided information for Australian organisations about the threats their networks face from cyber espionage, cyber attacks and cybercrime. Importantly, the report also contains mitigation and remediation information to assist organisations to prevent and respond to the threat. This report demonstrates the ACSC’s commitment to provide targeted and actionable information that can be accessed and used by those who need it.
Link to the report is https://www.acsc.gov.au/publications/ACSC_Threat_Report_2015.pdf