The Australian Information Security Association (AISA) welcomes the Australian Government’s $230 million Cyber Security Strategy announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week.
AISA CEO Arno Brok attended the launch of the new strategy at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney and said the strategy was a great start but there is a lot more that needs to be done.
“The strategy announced by the Prime Minister will help to address an apparent lack of cyber security professionals in Australia,” said Mr. Brok. “However, the Government’s announcement to provide support for some 5000 small businesses does not go far enough.”
AISA recognises that there are around 200,000 small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) in Australia that need assistance to protect themselves against large-scale cyber-attack from cyber criminals. Cyber security needs to be brought to the forefront of their business strategies.
AISA is the peak body for cyber security professionals in Australia and has been working hard to raise awareness of cyber security in Australia and assist individuals, businesses, and governments in protecting themselves against cyber-attack and data theft.
AISA is eager to hear further details on how the Government’s Strategy will be implemented and is ready to play a role in pragmatic and practical initiatives to deliver cyber security preparedness to SMBs, and at the same time build capacity for cyber security professionals in Australia.
About AISA
AISA champions the development of a robust information security sector by building the capacity of professionals in Australia and advancing the cybersecurity and safety of the Australian public as well as businesses and governments in Australia.