The world may only get one chance at making IoT, the Internet of Things, actually work. No one knows where this technology is ultimately headed. Had the Internet’s originators in the early 1960’s taken a glimpse into the year 2016 and attended the NetEvents IoT and Cloud Innovation Global Summit at Saratoga’s Mountain Winery, a relatively short drive from the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where the first Network Working Group meeting was held in 1968, I wonder how different the Internet may have been or how shocked they would be at the machine they have unleashed.
We know that the Internet lacks ‘security by design’ and hence why security remains the fundamental element of how we safely enable the unfolding IoT revolution. According to Dr. Glenn Ricart of USIgnite, a not for profit organisation born from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation, “we are entering the time when we take the Internet away from humans and hand it over to machine controlled ‘things’.”
The goal is two-fold: getting firm employees to consult you early in the process and demonstrating your willingness the find solutions to meet their goals.
Coming to terms with these ugly truths is not easy. But if you accept them and manage your expectations accordingly, you will decrease your stress level and be more effective in your job.
Kathryn Hume heads up Fast Forward Labs, a specialist advisory firm operating across a range of industries including insurance, publishing, finance, media, and government on data product development, technology, and culture. Kathryn opened the two-day program by walking through the work they’ve done in natural language generation and deep learning in image analysis and text summarisation. As Katheryn impressively noted – the real impact of today’s technology lies in ‘making complex data simple’ and how the focus needs to extend beyond just the hype and find true, but often hidden value. There is a long way to go…Click HERE to read full article.