Cyber Security Predictions 2017: key trends impacting business risk


Huntsman Security_LogoCyber Security is a significant component in managing business risk. Protecting the flow of your organisation’s information has never been more critical; speed of detection and response are fundamental to its effective management.

Our ‘Cyber Security Predictions for 2017’ White Paper takes you through some of the key trends we believe will have an impact on your risk exposure:

  1. Ransomware: the most common online threat affecting today’s Internet users;
  2. The increasing political and media influence;
  3. Improved Cyber Situational Awareness: focus on people, processes and technology;
  4. Threat Intelligence sharing – collaboration across vendor platforms;
  5. Social Media in the business world;
  6. Mandatory breach notification;
  7. Mandatory breach notification;

Click here to download the paper.


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