The cyber security skills shortage and the question of how to develop cyber security capabilities to meet current and future organisational needs has become an important issue. To help inform solutions it is important that we understand the necessary or desirable skills and competences for current and future performance.
AISA is leading a research project to help understand Australia’s cyber security skills shortage. Part of this research includes input from our members via surveys, interviews and focus groups.
Included below is a link to the AISA member survey. There are about 30 questions in the survey and it should take around 20 minutes to complete. Your participation will be invaluable in forming a view about the real cyber security skills situation in Australia.
Findings based on your responses will be incorporated into a report that we hope to release in October and will be available to all AISA members. This report should also help shape the appropriate response to ensuring the development of cyber security skills in Australia.
SURVEY LINK: www.surveymonkey.com/r/LZKVCP8
SURVEY CLOSE: The survey will close on Sunday 18 July 2016.
YOUR PRIVACY: We do not ask for your member number or your name and will not link any responses back to individual members. None of your responses will be used for sales, marketing, or other commercial purpose. Any information you provide will be used solely for the purposes of this research project.
FURTHER INPUT: If you are interested in participating in a focus group or are willing to be interviewed, please contact me separately by email and I will pass on your details to the research team. The survey is just one part of the information that is being gathered for this project.
FEEDBACK ON THE SURVEY: We have tried to put together a survey that is directed at specific areas of interest that were identified from a review of all the relevant literature, but we are interested in any feedback you may have on the survey design particularly if it will help with our future efforts. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your feedback.
I know that your time is valuable, and I appreciate your attention to this very important research. I look forward to sharing the results of our study with you in October.
Thanks for your participation.
Arno Brok