Intel Security APAC CTO Michael Sentonas comments,
“In my opinion, the Government’s cyber security strategy for Australia is a hugely positive step for our industry, and I believe a long overdue one.
One of the things I’m most excited about from the proposal is the focus on education and addressing the skills gap that exists in the country. Setting out the centres of excellence will promote specialist jobs and bring about the training of more engineers in Australia, which we so desperately need, and in the long term also help the country with threat intelligence sharing.
The appointment of Alastair MacGibbon as Special Advisor on Cyber Security is an excellent decision that I thoroughly commend. Intel Security has worked with Alastair in his past roles and his experience across both the public and private sector gives him a great lens to advise from. It will be fantastic to leverage his experience with the industry.
The investment this proposal sets out regarding the protection of Australia’s critical infrastructure struck a particular chord with me as this is a key factor in helping the country to improve. I would like to see us continue to progress from intrusion protection and response to detection and prevention. Like many of my peers, I work closely with Government departments so the next steps for us are to take some time to digest the strategy and implications to fully understand the scope and how we can work together better.
As a security vendor I see the strategy in a very positive light. Whilst the devil is in the detail, the strategy has put a decisive stake in the ground and I’m excited about its future over the next four years and beyond.”