nbn, the company building Australia’s broadband network, has announced the launch of Gfast on the nbn broadband access network in 2018 in collaboration with NetComm Wireless. The next-generation broadband technology will deliver unprecedented speeds over copper lines using specially engineered Gfast Distribution Point Units (DPUs).
Gfast represents the next step in the evolution of nbn Fibre-to-the-Curb (FTTC), and will be deployed where ultra-fast speeds are required. The technology further advances nbn’s Multi-Technology-Model (MTM) and will deliver speeds of up to 1Gbps over copper lines by using higher frequencies of 212MHz to bolster broadband speed, performance and capacity.
Ken Sheridan, NetComm Wireless CEO said:
“We are pleased to work with nbn on the delivery of their fast broadband performance today with an upgrade path to Gigabit services when required. NetComm Wireless was recently named winner of the nbn Scaling Excellence Award for our outstanding contribution to the fast and economical rollout of nbn FTTC, and we look forward to facilitating its progression in line with demand for next-generation broadband network access.”
JB Rousselot, Chief Strategy Officer of nbn said:
“Bringing Gfast technology to the nbn access network in 2018 again shows our commitment to being at the cutting edge of emerging technologies.
“Delivering Gfast to our FTTC and FTTB end-users will allow us to bring them ultra-fast services faster and more cost effectively than if we had to deliver them a full Fibre-to-the-Premises connection.”
NetComm Wireless’ highly scalable Fibre-to-the-Distribution-Point (FTTdp) technology integrates network grade diagnostics, performance monitoring and remote management functions to enhance broadband performance through the extension of managed connectivity.
About NetComm Wireless
NetComm Wireless Limited is a leading developer of Fixed Wireless broadband, wireless M2M/Industrial IoT and Fibre and Cable to the distribution point (FTTdp / CTTdp) technologies that underpin an increasingly connected world. Our Listen. Innovate. Solve. methodology supports the unique requirements of leading telecommunications carriers, core network providers, system integrators, government and enterprise customers worldwide. For over 35 years, NetComm Wireless has engineered new generations of world first data communication products and is now a globally recognised communications technology innovator. Headquartered in Sydney (Australia), NetComm Wireless has offices in the US, Europe/UK and New Zealand. Visit: www.netcommwireless.com.
About nbn
nbn co limited (nbn or the Company) was established in 2009 to design, build and operate Australia’s new high-speed, wholesale local access broadband network. Underpinned by a purpose to connect Australia and bridge the digital divide, nbn‘s key objective is to ensure all Australians have access to fast broadband as soon as possible, at affordable prices, and at least cost.
To achieve this objective, nbn has been structured as a wholesale-only, open-access broadband network. nbn provides services on its local access network on equivalent terms to all Retail Service Providers (RSPs), to provision for end-user needs.