Statistics New Zealand is working with technology company Fronde to implement an enterprise-wide system built on the Salesforce.com platform to manage its statistical data collection processes. Dubbed the Enterprise Collection Platform (ECP), the new system is part of an overall strategy to streamline and centralise data collection into one platform, reduce manual processes, accommodate a mobile workforce and maintain security.
Statistics NZ produces the nation’s independent, official statistics, which underpin decision making for the benefit of New Zealand. The agency gathers large amounts of data by a range of collection processes. The new system manages these processes, which includes direct data collection, online and paper surveys, and face-to-face and telephone interviews.
Since February 2015, Fronde has been implementing the ECP, working with Statistics NZ business units in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. The system is now used to manage most business surveys, and it was used in March to run a test for the 2018 Census.
Eventually, the platform will replace a number of legacy systems, and manage all surveys across agriculture, the social sector, business, and the next census on 6 March 2018.
Sarah Minson, Senior Manager Operations Strategy and Development, Statistics New Zealand, said, “We were looking to implement a consolidated system to make it faster, easier, and more cost effective to collect data. We will be able to deliver a more efficient process, and create a better experience for survey participants and Statistics NZ staff. Keeping people’s data safe was another high priority.
“The development and transition process from multiple legacy systems was made a lot smoother by having both the Fronde and Statistics NZ’s technical and business team experts on site throughout the process.
“It is extremely satisfying to have the system in place and functioning effectively. We’ve also had very positive feedback from the teams involved and the people using the technology, which is very rewarding to hear,” said Ms Minson.
Ant Belsham, CEO Fronde, said, “The delivery of the ECP system has required a true partnership, with development by Fronde, and analysis and testing managed by Statistics NZ.”
“Different parts of Statistics NZ have been working closely with our delivery team, and will now be able to manage the data collection process in near real time. It’s a great success for all involved.”
About Fronde
In a world that is changing faster than ever, Fronde helps our customers to identify, understand, prioritise, and execute using digital technology to accelerate their businesses ahead of their competitors. By focussing on business outcomes, and leveraging our carefully developed Intellectual Property, we offer a unique “end to end” solution for our customers, focussing on Customer, Employee, Operational, Product & Service, and Decision Making Excellence and Experience.
With over 24 years industry experience, employing over 200 people, Fronde has offices in Wellington, Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Manila.
The company has received recent accolades from some of the giants in cloud computing, including being awarded ‘Google Apps APAC Partner of the Year’, and ‘NetSuite APJ Solution Provider of the Year’ two years in a row. Successes in software development, IT managed services, plus other strategic partnerships with Amazon Web Services and Salesforce.com have combined to see Fronde feature in the CRN Fast50, which recognises the fastest-growing Australian IT companies. Fronde is currently at number 11 in the list.