STEM skilled jobs are growing 1.5 per cent faster than other jobs1
The demand for STEM-qualified employees is expected to increase1
44 per cent of employers report difficulty recruiting STEM-qualified workers1
Majority of employers regard STEM staff as their most innovative1
75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations require STEM skills1
Participation in STEM-related disciplines is in decline at all education levels2
40 per cent of Year 7 to 10 classes are not taught by qualified maths teachers2
Since 1999, Year 12 physics participation has dropped 31%, chemistry 23% and biology32%2
Just 1.5% of girls study a combination of advanced maths, physics and chemistry in Year 122
1/ Australian Industry Group report – Progressing STEM Skills in Australia, March 2015
2/ Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute – Participation in Year 12 Maths, July 2014