Y Soft, the leading enterprise workflow solutions provider has announced that the YSoft SAFEQ Cloud™ family (YSoft SAFEQ CloudPro™ and YSoft SAFEQ Breeze™) of print management services are fully integrated with Universal Print. YSoft SAFEQ, which provides on-premise print management services, is also fully integrated.
Universal Print, developed by Microsoft, moves key Windows Server print functionality to the Microsoft 365 cloud. Before Universal Print, customers had to deploy complicated and unreliable print driver management tools. Instead of working with a “one print queue” approach, users had to be mindful of which specific print queue to use, depending on locality, application, or document type.
“Integration with Universal Print will continue to ensure print services run smoothly and reliably across all your printers,” said Wouter Koelewijn, Chief Product Officer, Y Soft. “Our Universal Print integration technology supports cloud management, easy and secure device enrolment, and is designed for a zero-trust security environment.”
Organisations no longer need on-premise print servers to manage print queues and print drivers, a long-standing burden on IT resources. And customers who want to deploy new cloud-native print management and enterprise workflows or migrate their existing print management solution to the cloud now have a way how to do it — seamlessly, step by step, to ensure the uninterrupted operation of business-critical applications.
Through its technology partnership with Microsoft, Y Soft has developed a unique offer, which fully supports and integrates all Universal Print features and abilities and builds on standards, such as IPP Everywhere and Microsoft Graph API. Having integrated robustness and availability features, such as failover and active-active load balancing, it provides additional value add for customers and enables business-critical deployments of Universal Print.
Universal Print integrated with YSoft SAFEQ enhances the existing solution, while keeping all the benefits customers already expect from SAFEQ such as:
- multi-vendor and multi-platform capability
- support for cloud, on-premise, edge, or hybrid deployments
- multi-platform cloud printing support for Windows (with or without Universal Print), Linux, Unix, MacOS, and Chrome OS
For customers, who don’t want to increase their IT overhead and budget, YSoft SAFEQ with Universal Print delivers a client-less operation on all of these platforms. No client software package, big or small, needs to be deployed and managed, resulting in substantial IT operations cost savings and eliminating negative impact on IT compliance and security.